Please, Take Me the Way I Am


There's just something about this song. It's the desire for sweet, old-coupley kinda love from the eyes of a young person.

There's so much hope, so much expectation.

I want to meet an old couple who say it was everything they thought it was gonna be. For now, I'll just listen to these kinda songs and smile. :)

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Unknown said...

This may very well be my favorite song. Or rather, one of them, as you know I can't pick one.

You should meet my grandparents. Married some 58 years or so, and still ridiculously, obnoxiously, and adorably in love. I just laugh at them (and you should know, I just almost spelled "laf" instead of "laugh!"

Rachel E. Watson said...

I can't pick one favorite song, either. But this one is somewhat high on the list right now, because it captures a concept I have always embraced, and I need to add nothing further.

I would LOVE to meet your grandparents. They sound awesome. :)

Adam said...

Oops, Facebook was conking out on me.

There's a brief description of the "My Life Story" program on this page:

The person whose email is on that page, Sue Milanowski, has been really helpful in the past.

Have a good night!