When You Were a Kid...

When I was a kid I had a pretty vivid imagination and sometimes had a hard time distinguishing between the things I dreamed up and reality.

For instance...

I used to think the mourning doves cooing outside my window...

...were actually the toadstools greeting the day.

I used to think the chirping of crickets...

...was the sound the stars make when they twinkle.

And I used to imagine the moon...

...as the pendant hanging from a giant gold necklace.

When you were a kid, what kind of things did you imagine?

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Adam said...

Before I knew there was a finite number of days' names, I thought "Monday, Tuesday" and the rest were just a few examples along a never-ending string of uniquely-named days.

I thought this system was great, ensuring that no one would every be confused about what day they're supposed to meet, but I recognized this system demanded an ever-fresh crop of new names. So for one afternoon, I tried to come up with as many day names as I could...
to prepare us all, so we wouldn't run out of names before we ran out of days.

Rachel E. Watson said...

That's absolutely adorable. :)