A Long Weekend of Book and Writing Discussions Lies Ahead

This weekend brings one of my favorite times of year: Breathe Christian Writers Conference, a time of gathering with like-minded writers and lovers of literature to learn from nationally acclaimed speakers and local folks alike on the craft of writing. 

This year's theme is Celebrate Story, and the smart, savvy group of writers, agents and editors who run this conference have been promoting the theme on their blog since, oh, about May.

My friend Alexis, who is on the planning committee, just picked up the programs today:

(Photo courtesy of Alexis De Weese)


I can't wait. I am excited about learning more about appreciating, writing and pitching great poetry; how to become a better blogger; how to hone my voice as a writer; and how to persevere through those pesky dry patches and times I just want to give up.

On top of all that, I'll get to see the many writer friends I met there in 2014 and 2015, browse through a mobile bookstore courtesy of Baker Book House, and enjoy catered meals as part of my registration package.

If you want to come, it's not too late to register. Hope to see you there!

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NLF said...

Sounds fun!

Rachel E. Watson said...

Yup, I am really looking forward to it. Thanks for stopping by to comment!

Anonymous said...

I'm only just getting back to reading the blogs I follow and I was touched to see you posted about the programs!
So glad you were there! What a great weekend!

Rachel E. Watson said...

:) I'm also hoping to send a blog post about my experience at the conference to Susie soon.