From the Reporter's Notebook, part 3

When you are a reporter, sometimes you go to an interview with lawyers and you (probably) have food stuck in your teeth.

Now that I have your attention. Really. It's been bugging me all day that I came home from work and took a selfie of my outfit, only to find as I was staring into the lens back at myself that I had some black specks of something stuck in my teeth.

This is before the dreaded "black speck incident" occurred. I call it "black speck-gate."
(And that's my co-worker Jesse in the background.)

Were those specks there when I was interviewing two posh lawyers in a posh office downtown? It will haunt me all week.

Another fascinating fact from my reporter's notebook this week: Story ideas fly into my inbox faster than I can keep up with them.

When I was in the interview stage with GRBJ about seven weeks ago, I had to do a homework assignment where I needed to come up with 10 feature story ideas and 10 news story ideas. It took me about two hours to find enough story ideas to fill out the requirement. Now, I could find enough story ideas to cover all eight of my beats within about 15 minutes. People know my name! I'm hearing from the community!

This is what I wanted. To have my finger on the pulse of the city. To be on the inside track. And I'm learning a big part of getting to be "in the know" comes with having your name on a website where PR people can see it and start sending press releases. Ha! But seriously. It's so much fun to be part of a team that decides what is important and newsworthy and what deserves attention. It's a responsibility I never want to take lightly.

Hold me accountable, folks!

That's all for this week. Come back next week for more reflections on the journalist's life.

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craig clark said...

Just to had nothing stuck in your teeth at today's coffee chat.

Rachel E. Watson said...

Hahaha! Thanks for looking out for me, Craig!